Allison Beezer is my financial advisor and a dear friend. She said I'd get to see swans and snow geese.

I saw a flock of swans and thought they probably went with the nearby farm. Allison smiled.
Little did I know.

Sunny had a wonderful time and got to meet a REALLY BIG DOG. She loved it and wanted to hang out there all the time. Looks like that BIG DOG liked Sunny too.
And then I saw more swans. Wow, I thought, that farmer has sure got a lot of swans.

Allison has a Wii and we bowled. I made the most improvement ever and was named a champion. (Moving from lousy up to fair is a BIG improvement

I then learned about nurse trees. When a big tree falls, pine cones and seeds take root in the bark and grow. In the picture on the left you can see a cedar growing. The tree in the picture below had seven trees plus lots of other plants. Some of the stumps have huckleberries. They look like bad-hair-day trees.

This is Mt. Baker. You can see what a beautiful area this is.

And here they are, snow geese. There are hundreds of thousands of them all quacking at the same time. Beautiful.

Sunny and I came home feeling more than lucky--we felt rich. We live in a beautiful area, are both healthy (even though we both have a touch or arthritis), and have a wonderful family and great friends. Life is good!
This has been my first attempt at adding pictures and telling a story. Maybe I'll get better. But I couldn't wait any longer. Want to be more in touch with all of you and especially the little ones.