I found this scene while walking Sunny early one morning and was impressed with Life's intention to live. Everywhere I've seen things coming up, budding, and blooming. Even on grey days here, nature is stunning. There WILL be Spring.
I had fully intended to make an entry monthly in my blog, but March got away from me. It's my birthday month and takes a full month to do all the celebrations. All the affairs were wonderful and I have gained 4 pounds. Looks like April will be bread and water.
I'm now 83. I never dreamed I'd be this age, not ever! I remember when I was 18 my doctor was an ancient 34. I was sure he had one foot in the grave! People often ask what it feels like to be 83. I always check, look inside and try to find the feeling. It seems to be the same as when I was 3, 21, 40...there's no specific feeling. There is one difference and that is that I am paying closer attention to my body than ever before. I always thought having a body was a pain in the you-know-where--such a nuisance (or nusums as Dylan used to say). But now I realize what a remarkable thing it is. After all, it gets me around. It was my body that so enjoyed all those celebrations; my body that carried and birthed my babies. So I am making regular appointments with the accupuncturists at Bastyr University. (I go to the teaching section. My sessions cost $15 and I get to interact with darling young students who are supervised by agreeable doctors.) I've made an appointment with my Western doctor for my yearly check-up. I'm eating well (sometimes TOO much so) and am content. I have the most marvelous family anyone could ever want, and that source of joy feeds my soul. I have lovely friends, live in a beautiful setting, do work I love--what more could anyone want.
Thank you for checking in with me. That means a great deal to me. I am not good about making phone calls so really appreciate it when you take the initiative.
Sunny is fine. Still sticking close. Still funny and sweet. She sends her greetings, or at least I think that's what she's meaning by sleeping right here beside me.
I love reading anything that you have written- it's always beautiful and inspiring. Spring is struggling to get here, but I get little glimpses here and there and boy, do I live for those warm days! I am glad you are well and really hope to see you soon.
Love you.
Just when I think spring is here it snows. We had tulips popping up through the snow - it was really kind of pretty. In a few months it will be too hot, so I don't mind the cool weather!
You look so amazing for an 83 year young! Whats your secret? I hope you had a great birthday. sounds like you had alot of festivities. Wish we could have been there to celebrate. Im glad it is spring somewhere. It has been teasing for the last couple weeks....but still a little too cold. My tulips are trying to come out. In the next couple days....I hope! Love ya Grammy.
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